

Information Technology (IT) is omnipresent today, especially in business. No business, small or big, can afford to either neglect or ignore IT. Smart Phones and Android has revolutionized the way business is run today.

In most cases, effective development of IT strategies and resources is the difference between success and mediocrity.

Rest easy, SARCO will get you up with the times. From  Android and IOS Apps for specific purposes to a full blown ERP, SARCO has the expertise to meet all your software requirements.

SARCO IT Solutions ensures that you actually experience the power of IT. SARCO Solutions are always customized to meet your business requirements – present and future.

The bedrock of these solutions is the meticulous and systematic business process study that we undertake at the outset, and then weave these results into cutting edge solutions for you.

What’s more, one of your biggest challenges – ongoing software updating, training is also taken care of under our in-house expert  Ms Shubhangi Mahajan. SARCO conducts on/off-premise customized software training across all levels – top and middle management, managers, shop floor supervisors and engineers.

We craft elegant and practical software solutions, on-premise and on cloud: ERP System & Implementation, CRM, Business Systems, Vendor Management, Android Apps, Web Development, Customized Solutions
